Johnny Ferry Jr. in front of the Bon Ton Store

Johnny Ferry Jr. in front of the Bon Ton Store

Johnny Ferry Jr. in front of the Bon Ton Store

Johnny Ferry Jr. with his young cousin James Livingstone Naknakin outside the Bon Ton store, c. 1951. The Bon Ton store was built in 1949 by George and Violet Nissan. The Nissan’s came to Campbell River in 1946 after hearing that construction workers were being hired for the Ladore Diversion Tunnel. When the construction project was over the couple stayed and invested in the rapidly growing community. The Bon Ton’s location close to the Elm Street School meant that students, and others from the Tyee Spit reserve, became regular customers at the store. As they got to know their neighbours better, George picked up a few phrases of Likwala, courtesy of Dan Quatell. Though the Nissan’s later sold the store, the bonds they formed with many of the old families on the Spit Reserve continue to this day. The Wok Box currently occupies the site of the Bon Ton store (2011).

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