Seaplanes tied up at dock at Tyee Spit, 1976.

Photo taken in September, 1976.

Guides for the Tyee Club

The Crystal Grill, Campbellton

The Crystal Grill was located on the corner of Petersen Road and the Island Highway in Campbellton. It was owned by the Benton and Garrett families at various times.

Sam Henderson carving

John Ferry Sr.

Born in Shoal Bay in 1885, John Ferry came from the Kweeha branch of the Lekwiltok whose traditional territories are around Phillips and Frederick Arm on the mainland. John Ferry represented the Kweeha to the McKenna Bride Commission in 1914. This commission was charged with addressing the Indian...

Ferndell Trailer Park

Mr. and Mrs. R. Cahill with their catch

Mr. and Mrs. R. Cahill with their catches - a 42 lb and a 43 lb Tyee - and guide Mike Ripingale.

Sportfishing at Painter's Lodge

The Campbell River, below Elk Falls

Katie and Lavern Henderson

Katie (older) and Lavern (younger) Henderson, two of the daughters of Mr.and Mrs. Sam Henderson, pose full First Nations dress for the newspaper photographer. Apr. 29, 1964

Looking west over fields from Thulin home

BC Airlines airplane on beach, Campbell River

On right is pilot Bob Langdon, standing in front of his BC Airlines SeaBee. At this time BC Airlines picked up passengers on the beach in front of the Willows Hotel.

Carl and Margaret Thulin, Campbell River

Margaret Thulin (nee McNeil) married Carl Thulin, son of Charles Thulin on January 8, 1918. This photograph was taken in 1918.

Sisters of St. Ann, Campbell River

The first four sisters to come to Campbell River before the hospital was reopened: Sister Mary Rose Yvonne, Sister Mary Kathleen, Sister Mary Mark, and Sister Mary John Leonard.

Queen Charlotte Airlines, the first landing in Campbell River

Cougar Smith and a client

Fisherman with Catch of Salmon at Willows Hotel Scales

View of north end of Alder Street, Campbell River

View looking west towards Alder Street, the Lourdes Hospital is the large building on the hill. Buidling on the hill on top right is the Sister of St. Ann's residences, known as Floracita Cottage.

Campbell River Rotary Club Meeting at Painter's Lodge

B.D. Reuther, Tyee Man, with catch

B.D. Reuther of St. Croix, Virgin Islands with his catch a 58½ lb Tyee caught on August 21, 1959. This earned him the title Tyee Man 1959. His guide (not shown in photograph) was David R. Duke.

David Quocksister

David Quocksister, son of Chief John Quocksister and Susan Assu.

The Union Steamship S.S. Chilcotin

Filling in the waterfront to create the Foreshore Park

This area, located on Campbell River's waterfront, was filled in to become the Foreshore Park (now known as the Robert V. Ostler Park), Feb. 7, 1968.

Snow in Campbellton

A group of people pose for a photograph between the Quinsam Hotel and the Pioneer Bakery in Campbellton after a heavy snowfall.

Corner of Island Highway and St. Ann's, Campbell River

The Iaci building which was built by Joe Iaci in 1951 with the Willows Hotel in the background. At this time Wylie's Ladies Wear was located in the Iaci building.